CD Duplication is an affordable option for customers & clients in Dubai, UAE, looking to make a small run of discs (even as few as one). A recordable disc (CD-R, DVD-R or BD-R) is “burned” with any of your content directly onto our top-quality blank media which can be played Auto-Run. One possible drawback is infrequently reported problems of burned discs being incompatible with older PC's and car CD players. For disc quantities of 300-1000, we recommend disc duplication. BRANDTAG can produce any small to big quantities, as per your requirement's, Dubai, UAE one of the biggest place where lots of exhibition's and exhibitors comes in for the International events for 365 days, and this is the economical option and easy to carry option for the international visitors. We can print the CD labels directly to the CD with multi-color, and we can also provide CD pouches, both paper and shell case. Please contact Us for more info :
CD Replication includes the creation of a 'glass master' from a client's or customers original master, a nickel (sliver finish as original CD's or DVD's) stamper created from that glass master, and the injection molding of clear optical-grade polycarbonate substrates (clear discs) from the nickel stamper. The process also involves the metallizing and lacquering of those polycarbonate substrates to produce a perfect copy - an exact replication of your CD or DVD disc. CD replication is quick and cost-effective, especially for larger quantities. For disc quantities over 1000-above, we recommend CD replication. And it involves little bit of production time compare to CD Duplication, for the development of 'glass master'. As we mentioned above for the CD Duplication, we can print the CD labels directly to the CD with multi-color, and we can also provide CD pouches, both paper and shell case.
For detailed information & specification, please call us on +971 55 1765405
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